Monday, November 23, 2009

Chatter Gives a Facebook Look and Feel

SalesForce never stops surprising its followers...

In a few short years Facebook and Twitter have attracted so many users and had such an influence on the way people interact on the Internet that has decided that the social networking paradigm is the way for people to interact with its cloud CRM application. On Nov. 18 the company introduced its upcoming Salesforce Chatter, a "secure enterprise collaboration application and social development platform," as the highlight of its annual Dreamforce user conference in San Francisco. Chatter will provide links to Twitter feeds and Facebook profile information. Salesforce users will be able to filter the most relevant Twitter feeds through Chatter to track the competition, watch for new business leads and follow developments

read more If you are a salesforce user/stakeholder, please do let me know [comments] what do you feel about this development...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wonder how can you keep urself up-to-date than the weatherman?

The Phyan cyclone has shaken up Mumbai, and schools and colleges having given the day off...i wonder how do i keep myself up-to-date with mom nature... found some very interesting stuff...would like to document it here, so next time i want to get the real picture, i know how to find it...

The Below mentioned Google mash-up shows the latest temperatures of various cities, searching for any specific city would lead you to another window, where further detailed information would be available...thanks to

More interesting link is this one, where you can see the cloud cover over any part of the world in an animated form, giving you more hands-on data of whats happening right above planet earth...satellite views of cloud cover, give more accurate information than a tell tale TV news garbage...

One more weather link thats a mashup with Bing Maps...choose animate, and satellite view to see cloud cover move w.r.t. time.

Rediff has setup a live alerting system...Click here

Mid-Day acknoledges the hard work put in by the disaster management cell...clik here

The Maharashtra Government has already setup a National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project [2005], wonder if its still in force...check this out

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My External Antenna Finally rigged Up...

This Diwali Holidays, i finally was rattled up by VU2WSM, Satish, into waking up, and setting up the external 5/8 Antenna lying idle...

I setup a 15 feet 1.5 INch Pipe, some 30 meters coax RG58, some hardware and within 4 hours, had rigged up the 5/8.

Initial testing by VU2IVV, Jayesh helped us figure out a perfect spot for the Antenna, and now, after so many days, i am being heard across till Marine Lines, Mira Road, Panvel & Ghatkopar on 5watts, Simplex too...Woooow...the power of RF and height!!! thats something like a 30Kms radius...

Thank you IVV and WSM without whom the setup would not have been complete...
Handy Used FT411 & external 5/8 Antenna - [both loaned to me by VU2EOJ]
Though i admit, i am not a regular On-AIR sign, but i am now confidant of my rigging skills...

73s to all,

A remarkable move...

Mumbai Police have started this website, and i quote them:

"Mumbai Police started this website to reach out to the people of the city and to make it easier for the people to reach the police. We all knew that there was a need to establish a technology channel like this, but, quite frankly, none of us had expected the kind of response that the website has received."

end quote.

Just goes on to demonstrate that the authorities have taken the Electronic media seriously, and are making efforts to reach out to the common man.

Shri D. Sivanandan, Commissioner of police, Mumbai, has taken initiative to write regularly about his feelings, his emotions & his beliefs on the blog, do read them up, gives one a sense of security, that the Top guns in the city are also Human beings, and are available to hear you out...


special thanks to VU2SFH for directing me to the site.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Nayee Disha - Back to the future...

Today I had a unique experience...Jetking, a premier IT training institute had organised a career counseling seminar at Ravindra Natya mandir, where many 10th and 12th passed candidates were called in for a free seminar. The idea was to sell them the Idea of a career in IT.

My company being a past recruiter of Jetking Students, was approached for delivering a brief to the attendees...

I tried my best to bring to the screen a brief presentation on why IT is a good career choice.

It was amazing, i could feel the students suck in every word that was spoken there...

am sure, most of them would go in for a career in it infrastructure or development...

pretty nostalgic feelings of the days i started my career and of limited counseling avenues then...Todays a new world...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I am officially a HAM finally!

This mayday saw me thrilled as the postman delivered the HAM licence to me. Yes, the Ministry of communications and IT - India has certified me fit to operate an amateur wireless telegraph station - grade 1.

VU2EOJ, Suresh Varma, has been kind enough to loan me his Handy the YAESU FT 411, along with external antenna, and cables. I look forward to getting connected to other HAMs in and around Mumbai with this new acquisition.

For those who don't know whats a HAM and want to know more, click here


Monday, January 12, 2009

Just back from Mount Karnalla!

I, along with some office buddies and families worked up this one dayer picnic, that turned out to be a three hour trek...

met all at Panvel bus stand, Amber had a bad track of road, traveling all the way from dahisar paying Road Toll at 7 places, and had a broken gear box or something making him go slow.

Vinod had a dead phone, and the Phone company girl insisted the phone was switched off, all of us already made up our minds that hes not interested in comming...and surprise, surprise, he was there with his whole family, wife and two kids totting along...

George rode on his Avenger and enjoyed the trip with wife and kid Joshua...

Sanjay came along with Amish - by the end of the trip wanted it to go on forever...a sure contender for another of these kinds of trips...

The trip started with vada-pav at dutta vada-pav centre - a must see place if visiting anywhere mumbai-goa highway side...the Kharvas there is a must have.

Next stop at Karnala bird sanctuary, all vehicles parked and entry taxes paid, walking up to the guest house.

The guest house is surrounded by many bird houses and the variety there is unbeatable.

After packing some fresh Guavas, carrots, Cucumbers and a watermelon, the troupe started towards the nature trail leading to the Karnalla fort.

Lots of grunts, panting breaths and swollen ankles later, we finally reached the summit. Reaching there, all the tiring went up in thin air...all fresh invigorating oxygen there must be the reason...

After about 30 minutes of rest there,all wanted to return. So, we return and again an hour and 30 minutes later, we reach the base. Since all had travelled light, water was the most demanded commodity, and the canteen guys made some quick sale in our group...

A late lunch on the way back, where everyone just ready for any kind of food they could lay their hands on... A good Dhaba we discovered makes absolutely fingerlicking food at a very reasonable price...

Return to dutta snack centre for a final tea break...

some group photos and hugs and kisses later, we head home...its going to be a long day tommorrow...

George has promissed a Special treat for all who reach office at 9:30 next sure he would be sorry for this announcement.
signing off...

p.s. continued on the second day...body pain and leg pain are the centre of talk among the trek participants...and yes, george lost out, he has to give a special treat to almost all who came to the trek.....ha ha ha...

Photos are here...

If above slideshow is not properly visible, you may want to see the below link for going to my online album...
Mount Karnalla!!!

Windows 7 beta, flexible Displays et. all

Just came across this interesting video of tech updates...
the holy grail of M$soft...Apple wireless charging station, OLED flex display....Sony Cybershot camera that transmits images to internet websites, or to a WIFIed television across the room, Liquid Cooled Computers, that look like Motor Radiators he he he, Geting real with Duck Hunt Game- YES, its now Real world point and shoot game, rather than sitting in front of your PC like a lame duck!!!

Video below with more details...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wireless Power Charging - recharge your devices wirelessly...

Recharge your portable devices such as laptops, Mobile Phones, MP3 players etc without getting tied down to a power socket...

WIFI or Wireless LANs have already freed up IT users from their desks, and are freely connected to their networks where wireless signals are available.

A similar setup, where your devices are recharged without connecting to a power socket is under research from quite some time...

Reality check:
Eight companies have formed a consortium with the aim of developing a wireless power standard. Convinient power, Fulton innovation, Logitech, National Semiconductor, Philips, Sanyo, Shenzhen sangfei communications and texas instruments are members of this group that sees wireless power charging taking away the need of wires and connectors.

The goal is to create charging station upon which you drop your mobile devices and it charges. no fuss of wires, no fuss. The standard works for devices that are close to each other and employs the principple of magnetic induction.

More of such glimpses into the crystal ball of futuristic technologies as and when they happen. Till then, Signing off,

Storage devices that will not Crash!

Thought about many topics to post, however, somethings on my mind to post about new technologies whenever they strike to me...

This is a first valid posting towards a new category i would like to call THE TECHNOLOGY CRYSTAL BALL...

Upcomming trends towards sturdy storage devices, that do not crash each time they fall off your desk or laptop lead to Solid State Storage, SSD as they are called. SSDs are currently in their 10s of Gbs availibility, but Hard drives that store upto 500Gbs are available and that too at price points much cheaper than say a 8Gb SSD.

Reality check:
Toshiba announced the first 2.5 inch SSD based on 43Nanometer cell circuits. They are announced in capacities upto 512Gb. You can look at prices falling to affordable levels very soon.